
What to Expect During Your New Home Orientation

If you have recently built a new house, you must complete the home orientation, which is one of the most exciting stages of the home-building process. Home orientation allows you to familiarise yourself with your new home’s operation and become aware of any aspects that need adjustment or correction.

This article will provide you with a brief overview of what to expect throughout the orientation process for your new home.

What is a new home orientation?

When compared to previous walkthroughs, the new home orientation stands out. The purpose of this is to provide you, the buyer, with an in-depth analysis of the construction process that went into your house and an explanation of how it functions.

You will leave the approximately three-hour orientation with all the knowledge and resources necessary to live a life of utter comfort in your home. You will have this knowledge and these resources at your disposal. After all, the energy-saving appliances and cutting-edge technologies pre-installed in your house will only be useful if you feel at ease when using them.

The home orientation is the last chance to highlight any problems with the house that the developer needs to solve and typically happens a few weeks before closing. The site manager will also present the warranty coverage, offer instructions on how to utilise it, and hand out a version of the customer service handbook to make new homeowners feel confident in their ability to maintain their new house.

Expectations for new home orientation

The following is a list of topics that are likely to be covered during the new home orientation of your property:

●      Recollections of your home’s construction

During the course of building a house, a myriad of events and occurrences could take place. Your home’s developers will fill you in on all of the ups, downs, obstacles, and accomplishments that went into the design and construction of your house so that you can truly understand the individuality and one-of-a-kind features of the property you will eventually call home.

●      How everything functions

You will get a comprehensive grasp of how each aspect of your house functions, including how to use the dishwasher, switch off the electricity and the water, and what to do if anything goes wrong.

●      Energy conservation measures

The green upgrades in your house are chosen because they would make you more comfortable, require less upkeep, and save you money. If you want to get the most out of sustainable construction, you need to be familiar with its many parts and how they function.

3 Tips to enhance new home orientation

Home orientation is a genuine chance for you to find out how to get the most out of the space you have available in your house. Here are three things you can do to make sure that you receive all you need and everything you want out of the experience:

1.    Don’t rush anything

The orientation lasts for around three hours on average. However, the timing may vary depending on the house and the buyer.   Make sure you allow yourself enough time to concentrate, take in the nuances, and ask questions to have an experience that is really beneficial and devoid of worry. If you’re feeling rushed, you might lose out on essential information or the opportunity to bond with your new place.

2.    Ask questions

During the new home orientation, you will get a great deal of information; therefore, you will have many questions about what you have learned. Feel free to voice your concerns or inquire about what’s on your mind if you become aware of anything that appears out of place. There is no such thing as an overly simple or overly complicated inquiry!

It’s normal to feel overjoyed and exhausted when you finally get to view your almost-finished house for the first time in person. However, it’s easy to distract yourself and forget to ask important questions in the excitement of the situation. Having questions prepared for the orientation in advance is useful.

Even if the builder doesn’t get to your concerns during the review, you should be able to recall them in your own mind. It’s beneficial to pay close attention to and master the intricacies of your home’s functioning due to the constant evolution of its features. Because of this, updating to the most recent and greatest is significantly less of a hassle.

3.    Check your documentation for understanding

Do not put undue pressure on yourself to jot down and recall every little detail! After your new home orientation, you will be presented with two binders that include all of the information on your home that you will need, ranging from floor plans and site diagrams to utility and product manuals. Because of this, after you’re done, you’ll have a solid understanding of the assets you will find in each binder because you’ll have gone through what each resource is and why it’s vital for you.


Your house is a significant and valuable investment. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to gather as much information as possible about it. The more you understand it, the more effectively you can care for it.

HomeCapital is here to assist you if you are experiencing financial difficulties in purchasing your ideal home. HomeCapital provides up to 50% interest-free financing for down payment with no interest levied on the home buyer for a period of up to 12 months.

What is Part Payment on Home Loan – Uses and Benefits

Part payment on home loan means paying a large amount of the principal amount irrespective of what your EMI is.

Suppose you have taken a loan of ₹50 lakhs that you have to repay in 20 years. This period of 20 years is called your tenure. The principal amount plus the interest that you pay on your home loan is divided among 240 monthly installments (20 years have 240 months). You arrange your finances such that every month you can pay the EMI for the next 20 years.

Then one day you may come across some extra cash. Maybe it’s a bonus. Maybe a policy has matured. Maybe you have inherited money. Maybe among your documents you have discovered a small property you didn’t know you owned and you can sell it now for a profit.

Whatever the reason is, you have extra money and you would like to make a part payment on your home loan. Since there is no penalty on part payment, you can opt to make this payment on your home loan and reduce your tenure as well as the total amount that you pay to the bank or the finance company you have taken your home loan from.

What are the uses and benefits of making a part payment on your home loan?

Let’s use the same example given above. You have taken a home loan for Rs. 50 lakhs for a tenure of 20 years with an interest rate of 7.5%.

If you make a part payment of Rs. 5 lakhs at the end of the fifth year, you can almost save an interest of Rs. 8.8 lakhs. The principal amount you owe to the bank will be reduced and hence, you may pay a lower interest rate than you were paying previously. You can also choose to reduce your tenure so that you pay fewer EMIs.

Why does it make sense to make a part payment on your home loan apart from the fact that you will pay less interest and your tenure might reduce?

Although you may think that your financial future is secure over the next 20 or 30 years, you can never be sure of the economy. Jobs are being threatened. Businesses are going under. You may face health problems that you cannot predict right now.

As your family grows, there will be other financial responsibilities for you to take care of. You will need to think of retirement and higher education for your children. In traditional Indian families’ parents also need to think about marrying their kids. These are all financial responsibilities that younger couples usually don’t think about when they are taking a home loan. The sooner you reduce your principal amount, the better off you will be later on.

Other benefits of making a part payment on your home loan

Many people wonder whether it makes more sense to invest the little extra money that you have come upon or if it is more financially prudent if you make a part payment on your home loan. Ultimately, how much money you save in both the options should enable you to decide what direction you should follow.

Although you have already seen some benefits of making a part payment on your home loan above, here is a compiled list of the benefits:

  • Increased equity: You build equity in your property as you pay off your home loan. The less money you owe against your home, the larger percentage of the home you own, which makes it easier in future for you to sell in case you want to.
  • Improved credit score: It can improve your credit score if you make part payments on your home loan. You can make multiple part payments. When you make such payments, you demonstrate to the credit agencies that you are eager to repay the amount you have taken from them.
  • Shorter loan term: Your tenure will reduce as you have less money to pay back. If you regularly make part payments on your home loan, you can potentially pay off your loan years ahead of schedule.
  • Reduced interest: Since you are reducing your loan principal, there will be less money to pay interest on.
  • Lessened financial burden: Your principal amount will reduce. Your interest will be reduced. You can renegotiate with the bank and reduce your EMIs. This will reduce the monthly financial burden on you and your family.
  • Increased sense of empowerment: You have a stronger hold over your finances as you proactively make part payments on your home loan. By paying off your home loan faster, you can see your progress and feel good about the steps you are taking to become debt free.
  • Potential for refinancing: Part payment of your home loan improves your credit rating. It makes you a more attractive candidate for refinancing. You may be able to refinance your home at a lower interest rate.


Making a part payment on your home loan is an excellent way of saving interest in reducing your tenure. As mentioned above, it isn’t necessary that you make a part payment on your home loan only once. Whenever you come across some extra cash that you can spare, you can make a part payment. Of course, you need to evaluate whether investing the money somewhere else will help you save more or should make the part payment. Before deciding, you should carefully weigh your options.

What is MOD in Home Loans?

MOD means Memorandum of Deposit. This deposit is paid by the borrower to the lender. It amounts to 0.1% to 0.5% of the loan amount, not exceeding ₹25000, irrespective of how much loan the borrower has taken.

MOD is a title deed, also known as a mortgage deed of the property being bought via the loan. Via this deed, the lender ensures that their name is a part of the house or the property they have given the loan for (they own the property). In future, in case the borrower defaults the lender has the right to possess the property. A MOD is a registered document, and it reflects on all the encumbrance certificates.

A MOD is one of the lesser-known charges. When an applicant takes a loan, they are aware of the concepts like the down payment, or the interest being charged by the lender. The borrower also pays a processing fee. MOD is also included in the total cost of the loan.

Is the deposit returned?

The MOD deposit is not refundable. Once the entire loan amount, including the interest and the principal, has been paid, there is a declaration that full possession of the property is given to the borrower. The borrower cancels the MOD. Depending on the respective procedures of different banks, the bank manager will go to the registration office and make a release deed that confirms that the encumbrances have been cleared and the property now completely belongs to the borrower, with no outstanding amount.

Is it mandatory if you want to take a home loan?

Signing the MOD and paying the fee is necessary everywhere in India if you’re taking a home loan. Every lender seeks a safety net before they give you the loan. Your property is the collateral. Hence, when you sign the MOD, you need to deposit all your property documents to prove that you are the owner. The bank or the lender wants to sign a MOD also so that there are no multiple mortgages on the same property. You pledge the property you are buying so that the lender can recover the money if you are unable to pay the EMIs. Therefore, it is also sometimes called a memorandum deed of your house property.

When is MOD on home loan cancelled?

The MOD on your home loan is cancelled when you have fully paid the loan amount, including interest. Then, your property is free from the lien. As mentioned above, someone from the bank or the lending company ensures that the documents in the registration office reflect your complete ownership and the title of the property does not include the name of the lender.

It is very important to apply to get the MOD cancelled as soon as all the EMIs have been paid. Although ideally, this step should automatically be taken by the lender or the bank, it may not happen on time, and in future, some sort of confusion can cause you ownership-related problems. Therefore, it falls upon you to follow the procedure and get your MOD cancelled as early as possible at the completion of your tenure. The cancellation of the MOD also signifies the fact that you’re free of debt.

Is there a special formula for calculating MOD in home loans?

The MOD needs to be executed by the lender. There are many formalities that are carried out on the lender’s side. Documents need to be processed and submitted. For all the services, the lender charges a fee. This fee is called the MOD fee or the deposit.

There is no set formula for calculating MOD on home loan. As mentioned above, the fee may be between 0.1% and 0.5% of the total loan amount taken by the borrower. The fee should not exceed ₹ 25,000 no matter how much is the loan amount.


Through the MOD, the lender protects its monetary interest. It is signed by the borrower when the bank transfers the loan amount to the borrower’s account. Until the entire amount is paid, the property belongs to the lender.

The text of the deed is prepared by the lender. The borrower needs to review it and then sign it. It is the duty of the borrower to ensure that the MOD is invalidated when the entire loan amount is paid and also ensure that all the information pertaining to the property is accurate in the release deed.

Is It Possible to Get a 100% Home Loan?

Are you planning to invest in an expensive residential property? Is the selling price of the home you want to buy so high that you are wondering if it is possible to get 100% home loan because making even the down payment may be a big financial constraint for you?

Can you get a 100% home loan?

Banks and lending institutions normally don’t offer a 100% home loan. They want you to put down at least some amount of money.

Most of the banks give you a 75-90% home loan and the rest you need to cough up. It means, if your property costs, let’s say ₹ 60 lakhs, and if your bank is paying a loan equivalent to 80% of the sale price, you will need to arrange ₹12 lakhs by yourself, which might be a lot of money. A part, usually 10% of the agreement value is to be put in as down payment, and 10% is also required to be paid at possession. This enables to reduce the financial burden on you.

In such a situation, can you ask your bank to pay even the remaining 20%? Do you try to find a bank that gives 100% home loan India?

Lenders like banks and housing finance companies, as mentioned above, will loan you 75-90% of the property cost and the remaining amount must be borne by you. The problem is that it isn’t just the cost of the property that must be borne by you and the finance company. There is stamp duty that you will have to pay. There are registration charges. There may be other unanticipated costs.

If you’re unable to make the down payment it can be safely assumed that you don’t have sufficient savings. Ideally, it would be suggested that you wait for a few years until you have enough money for the down payment and then you apply for the loan. What if you don’t want to wait? In such cases home down payment assistance programs like HomeCapital enable you to accelerate home ownership. The program enables you to own a home by contributing up to 50% of the down payment amount as an interest free loan.

Banks don’t give you a 100% home loan if you want to purchase a home. They insist that you make the down payment by yourself and then they loan you a major amount of the sale price.

Why is it difficult to get a full home loan?

Loan to Value (LTV) is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). According to the RBI regulations, only up to a certain amount the cost of the property can be loaned. The remaining amount must be paid by the borrower.

All registered lenders must follow the RBI guidelines when giving home loans. According to these guidelines, a lender can approve up to 90% of the cost of the property if the cost of the property is less than or equal to ₹ 30 lakhs. If the cost of the property is between ₹ 30-75 lakhs the lender can approve up to 80% as home loan. For property costs above ₹ 75 lakhs, the loan amount cannot be more than 75%.

What is the alternative to a 100% home loan?

What do you do if banks and finance companies don’t give you 100% home loan? Should you lose all hope and wait until you have enough savings?

Although, if you’re still young enough you can wait for a few years, wisely invest your income in a manner that by the time you again start exploring the real estate market you have enough money saved to make the down payment by yourself.

With HomeCapital, India’s first down payment assistance program you would not need to wait for several years to save towards home down payment. The program has successfully helped a plethora of Indians become homeowners by providing interest free credit up to 50% of the home down payment amount. The online application process is quite easy and fast. You can get money in your bank account on the same day. There are no hidden charges. Flexible tenures of 3, 6 & 12 months are available. With 50% of your down payment easily available to you, you can easily arrange the remaining payment and buy your dream home.


Though it may not be possible to get a 100% home loan but there are many ways you can minimize the stress caused by the need to arrange the down payment. Even if you cannot get a complete loan for your home purchase, you can fund a significant part of the down payment by either applying for a DPA from HomeCapital and  get financial independence, or seeking help from your near and dear ones, including your friends.

What is a Refuge Area and its Norms in High-Rise Buildings?

As per the National Building Code (NBC) every high-rise building or a skyscraper must have a dedicated refuge area at every seventh floor of the building. The first refuge area should be after the first 24 m (in height) and after that, every seventh floor.  A building’s terrace floor is also considered a refuge area.

Whether it is a residential or commercial building, if it is a high-rise building, it must have a refuge area. According to NBC, buildings with nine floors and more are considered to be high-rise buildings.

A refuge area in a high-rise building is designed to accommodate people in case of a fire or another emergency, especially when people are unable to leave the building. Evacuation is not possible sometimes. The residents or the occupants of the building can wait in it until help arrives.

Important things to remember when constructing refuge area in a high-rise building

In the building it is an emergency area to be used only when there is a fire outbreak or another such situation that doesn’t allow people to leave the building. Therefore, a clear passage must be constructed that leads to the refuge area. The passage must be well-lit. It should not be used publicly and should only be used in the case of an emergency.

It should not be an enclosed area. There shouldn’t be high walls around the refuge area, although it can have a railing or a medium-height wall to stop people from falling off. In the time of emergency rescue services like the fire brigade ladder should be able to access to it without any obstruction.

The residents of the building (or the designated authority responsible for the upkeep of the building) must ensure that the door to it must never be locked. There should be no obstructions on the way to the refuge area. It should be immediately accessible in case of an emergency.

It must not be used for any other purpose whether permanently or temporarily. For example, people living near the it should not use the place for storage, cooking or recreation purposes.

Can there be alternative refuge areas?

It depends on the height of the building. For example, if the building has more than 24 floors an alternative refuge area can be provided.

It must be ensured that the alternative area is built in the form of reinforced concrete cantilever projection at the alternate mid-landing level of the staircase. The minimum width must be 3 meters. For commercial high-rise buildings, the minimum area for the alternative refuge area must be 15 square meters and for residential buildings, it must be at least 10 square meters.

There must be a clear passage leading to it and signs must be put up, preferably painted in luminous paint. It is a temporary shelter so the main staircase or the main lift shouldn’t open towards the refuge area. It is to be used only for emergencies.

In high-rise buildings up to 30 meters, the terrace floor of the building can be considered a refuge area. It is mandatory to have a fire check floor in a building that is more than 70 meters. Such a refuge area covers an entire floor every 70 meters. But the height of the fire check floor shouldn’t exceed 1.8 meters to curb misuse. It is the responsibility of the occupants or the owners to ensure that the area is used only for the purpose of refuge and nothing else.

Floor Space Index and refuge area

According to the National building code refuge area must be limited to a maximum of 4% of the total livable area. This portion is excluded from Floor Space Index (FSI – the ratio of permissible built-up area). If the refuge area is more than 4%, then the exceeding amount is added to the total livable area.


Should you check for a refuge area in the building before buying an apartment?

Due to lack of awareness people looking to buy an apartment or a flat in a high-rise building rarely look for a refuge area – they are not even aware of the concept.

It is an important safety feature. You may not have to use it your entire life while living in your apartment, or you may have to use it in case of an emergency.

Most of the approved buildings have a it. But just in case you cannot locate it while considering a high-rise building, ask around and make sure that it has designated refuge areas at recommended heights.

What is FSI in Real Estate and How to Calculate it?

FSI stands for “floor space index”. It is also called “floor area ratio” (FAR) in real estate. It is the ratio between the area of the covered floor (the built-up area) and the overall area of the plot upon which the building or the construction stands.

FSI is important when you’re talking about real estate. If you’re confused what it is and how it must be taken into consideration when buying a home or a real estate property, we are going to demystify it in this write-up. You will learn what it means and how it is calculated.

Although FSI and FAR mean the same thing, FSI is calculated in percentage and FAR in decimals.

FSI for the same measurement of a building may differ from city to city, and sometimes even from one locality to another. Sometimes it can vary within the same location, based on the number of floors a building has. It is regulated depending on the type of building, the number and quality of amenities your residential complex has, and the city zone.

How do you calculate it?

It is calculated by dividing the total floor area of all the floors of the building by the total plot area, multiplied by 100.

Here is an example:

Suppose a building is constructed over an 800 square feet plot.

Being a multi-storeyed building, it has different floors and if you add all the areas of all the flaws, it comes up to be 1600 square feet.

FSI = 1600 (total area of all the floors) / 800 (area of the plot) X 100

= 200%

Why is this important?

It tells you how much floor area you can have in a locality or a zone. Once you have a plot to construct a building on, it doesn’t mean you can just randomly build floors upon floors. There may be a limit to how many floors you can build on a specific plot.

Depending on your Floor Space Index you need to decide

  • How many floors there can be in a building.
  • What the size of the floors can be.
  • How many apartments can be built on each floor.

As a buyer, this can have an impact on how big a flat you can own in a locality, and based on the amenities available, what price you’re going to pay.

You can find the zone FSI on your state government’s official website.

Using the inverse FSI calculation illustrated above you can calculate how much covered area can be built.

Suppose the FSI is 1.5 in your chosen zone.

The plot area is 4000 square feet.

The covered area that can be built is 4000 x 1.5 = 6000 square feet.

Depending on how many floors are permissible, a building can have three floors of 2000 square feet each or two floors of 3000 square feet each, or another variation within the confines of the FSI.

What is premium FSI?

Premium FSI is applicable if a real estate property is by the side of a road. You can pay a premium to the government and get extra floor space area. How much premium FSI can be obtained depends on the width of the road. Below given calculation is applicable:

  • 30-50 feet width road: 20% extra than the allowable FSI.
  • 40-60 feet width road: 30% extra than the allowable FSI.
  • More than 60 feet width road: 40% extra than the allowable FSI.

Here is an example:

The allowable FSI is 1.5.

The plot is 3000 square feet.

The road width is 48 feet.

Allowable built area is 3000 x 1.5 = 4500 square feet.

Since the width of the adjacent road is 48 feet, 30% extra built area is allowed to be constructed.

4500 x 30/100 = 1350 square feet.

Total built area: 4500 + 1350 = 5850 square feet.

Should you know the FSI before buying an apartment?

Definitely, you should know the FSI of the flat. FSI violation usually comes to light when a completion certificate is issued by the development authority. Therefore, when buying a property make sure that you ask for a completion certificate because it contains all the details about the allowable FSI. In case there have been some violations, and you end up buying the property despite those violations, you may need to bear the repercussions. You may even be stuck with the property and will not be able to sell it. In case you have some issues with the property, the resolution will be difficult because it will be a disputed property.

Therefore, it is important to know the allowable FSI in your zone/locality, and also whether the property you are investing in abides by the bylaws or not.

Difference between Flat and Reducing Interest Rate

Planning to get a loan to buy a property? You will get your loan from either a bank or a non-banking financial company. No matter from which agency or institution you get your loan sanctioned, you will be paying interest. The loan interest is calculated in two ways: flat interest rate and reducing interest rate.

How much total money you pay back (principal plus interest) depends on whether you opt for a flat interest rate or a reduced interest rate. What’s the difference? Let’s find out.

What is a flat interest rate?

Flat interest is calculated on the full loan amount and distributed across the entire tenure. This way, you pay a fixed amount to the financial institution from which you have taken the loan. Your EMI is not subject to fluctuations in interest rates.

With a flat interest rate, you know how much you will be paying, for example, for the next 60 months, and consequently, you can plan your finances accordingly.

What is a reducing interest rate?

Contrary to a flat interest rate, in the case of reducing interest rate, your EMI is not calculated on the entire loan amount for the entire tenure, but on the reducing principal amount. A reducing interest rate is calculated on the outstanding balance or the remaining loan.

As you know that the EMI that you pay consists of interest and principal amount. It means, whenever you pay an EMI, you also pay back a part of the principal amount. So the money that you owe to your bank is constantly reducing. In reducing interest rate, your monthly payment is calculated on this reduced amount rather than the entire principal amount.

How much you pay varies every month. Your interest rate is subject to the ongoing interest rate rather than the interest rate that was in the beginning of your loan tenure.

How is flat interest rate calculated?

The flat interest rate is calculated on the total principal amount and then distributed across the tenure evenly. The EMI does not take into consideration the repayment of the principal amount as the tenure progresses. The interest rate and the payable amount remain the same every month.

The flat interest rate is calculated using the following formula:

Interest payable per instalment = (original loan amount x interest rate per annum x number of years) ÷ number of instalments

That is, the original loan amount multiplied by the interest rate per annum multiplied by the number of years for which you have taken the loan, and then the entire calculation divided by the number of instalments you have agreed to pay to pay back the entire loan.

Suppose you have taken Rs. 100,000 as a loan with 5% interest that you intend to pay back in 10 years.

How many EMIs are you going to pay in 10 years? 12 months x 10 = 120 months = 120 EMIs.

This is how the flat interest rate for every month will be calculated:

(100,000 x 5% x 10) / 120 = Rs. 417 (approximately).

This is not the EMI. To calculate the EMI, to this flat interest you also need to add the principal amount.

The principal amount needs to be distributed over 120 months.

100,000 / 120 = Rs. 834 (approximately).

So, if you take a loan of Rs. 100,000 with a flat interest rate of 5% and with a tenure of 10 years, your EMI is going to be

417 + 834 = Rs. 1,251 (approximately).

How is reducing the interest rate calculated?

As previously explained, reducing the interest rate means that the interest is calculated on the outstanding principal amount and not the whole amount. Every proceeding EMI is calculated anew based on the loan amount that is pending to be repaid. This type of interest rate is also called “diminishing rate of interest”.

Here is the formula for calculating reducing interest rate:

Interest payable per instalment = interest rate per instalment * remaining loan amount

Suppose you take a loan of Rs. 100,000 with a reducing interest rate of 5% and for a tenure of 10 years.

If you distribute 100,000 over 120 months, the principal amount for every month comes out to be 100,000 / 120 = Rs. 833 (approximately).

The interest rate for the first month will be 100,000 x 5% = Rs. 5,000.

Therefore, the EMI for the first month will be 833 + 5000 = Rs. 5,833.

For the second month, 833 is deducted from your outstanding principal amount, which will now remain 100,000 – 833 = Rs. 99,167.

The interest for the second month will be 99,167 x 5% = Rs. 4,958.35.

Hence, the EMI for the second month will be 4,958.35 + 833 = Rs. 5,791.35.

Every proceeding month, the principal amount that has already been paid is deducted before calculating interest on the amount.

Advantages of a reducing interest rate

Over a period of time, as the principal amount reduces, the EMI you pay is lower than the previous months. This is because your EMI is calculated not on the complete principal amount that you originally took, but the remaining amount after the number of EMIs you have already paid. In many instances, you can even reduce your tenure by adjusting your EMI (paying a little extra).

What is the advantage of a flat interest rate?

Simplicity. You always know how much you’re going to pay every month. The entire amount is equally distributed, so there are no surprises. Even someone with no financial knowledge can calculate the EMI without worrying about how much amount they’re going to have to pay next month. Also, in case the RBI increases interest rates on loans, you won’t be affected.


Every bank and non-banking financial company these days has an online calculator for calculating EMIs for flat and reducing interest rates. The calculator can give you an idea of how much EMI you will be paying for both options.

Both flat and reducing interest rates have their pros and cons. There is a reason why both options exist. Make a choice that best suits your financial plans.

Earnest money: what is it and how much is it used in real estate?

Earnest money is an integral part of almost every real estate contract or agreement. Earnest money is paid by the buyer to the seller presenting proof to the seller that the buyer is really interested in putting in the stakes. The money is given to the seller in good faith. It can either be directly paid to the seller of the property or it can be kept in an escrow account. 

When the seller receives the earnest money, it is a confirmation that the seller has found a genuine buyer, and consequently, they take the property off the market. This money is not an extra cost toward buying the property. It is adjusted to the total money that you pay to the property owner or the seller. 

How much earnest money is paid when finalizing a real estate deal? 

Earnest money is a security for the seller. Putting the property on the market and listing it in various places can be costly for the seller. When the buyer and seller sign a purchase agreement, the seller removes the property from the market. It is assumed the transaction is going to proceed. 

How much earnest money you pay depends on your market’s customs. Normally, it is anywhere between 1-3% of the sale price. 

Example: you have agreed to pay 2% earnest money. The sale price of the property is ₹ 40,00,000. Then the amount that you’re going to pay as earnest money is going to be ₹ 80,000. 

What happens with the earnest money if the deal falls through? 

Earnest money can be a significant amount. Hence, you should fully understand the implications before you go ahead and make the payment to the seller. 

Sometimes, the deal falls through even after paying the earnest money. The buyer may cancel the sale. The seller may not be able to keep their end of the bargain. 

If the buyer is not able to arrange the rest of the payment or if at the last moment, they cancel the deal and decide not to buy the property, the earnest money remains with the seller. This is because using this money, they can recover the expense of taking the property off the market and restart the process of putting it back there. 

Or maybe the seller changes their mind at the last moment and refuses to sell the property or there is damage in the property that wasn’t mentioned during the bargain or the inspection. In a case when it is not the fault of the buyer and the deal is falling through because of the seller, the seller needs to return the earnest amount to the buyer. 

Some things to keep in mind when making an earnest money deposit 

As mentioned above, depending on the sale value of the property the buyer may pay a significant amount in the form of earnest money. Since there may be reasons the buyer may not be able to recover the paid amount if the sale gets cancelled, it helps if certain precautions are taken. 

Avoid giving the it directly to the seller. Get a receipt of the payment. Pay the amount to a reputable third-party such as a legal firm, an escrow company, a title company, or a person or an agency that both parties have full faith in. Make sure that the money is deposited into a separately maintained trust account. Get an agreement signed about what will happen with the earnest money if the deal is cancelled. 

Remember that it is a safety net both for the buyer and the seller, considering the fact that this amount will be adjusted into the overall payment.  The buyer gets an assurance that the seller is not going to sell the property to someone else. The seller gets the assurance that if the buyer backs down they will have enough money to put the property back on the market. 

How can you further safeguard your earnest money deposit? 

You will be signing a contract while handing over earnest money. Make sure the contract includes terms to handle other financing and inspection contingencies. It must be included in the contract what will happen if the buyer is unable to arrange the remaining finance or if a defect is discovered after the deposit has been made (something that was not discovered before the deposit). 

On the seller’s side, the buyer needs to make sure that a thorough examination of the property is completed by a certain date and that the buyer adheres to all the deadlines. If these deadlines are not met, the buyer forfeits their claim to the earnest money as well as loses the property. Both parties must ensure that all the deadlines are met and every possible information about the property is available to both parties and both parties are aware of such bits of information. 


Earnest money is considered token money to finalise a real estate deal. It is a sure-shot way of deciding that the real estate deal is finalised. Both parties can rest assured that they don’t need to explore the market further. Provided certain precautions are taken both the buyer and the seller enjoy full protection against losing the money. If the deal doesn’t fall through the money goes to the party that has been wronged or that has incurred a loss. If the deal goes through, the money is adjusted with the total amount the buyer pays to the seller. Earnest money is not an additional cost to the buyer. 

How to know if your apartment association is registered?

An apartment association is also known as “apartment owners association” or even RWA (resident welfare association). Almost every apartment complex, society, or gated community has a functional apartment association these days. It has a core team that is elected every year. This team works together to take care of various issues pertaining to the welfare of the residents living in the housing society.

An apartment association is a voluntary organization. The members of the association are either the owners of the apartments within the complex or people living within the complex. The association provides services such as the maintenance of amenities, maintaining security arrangements, and in many cases, even enforcing regulations agreed upon by the members (chosen by the residents).

For example, whether the residents can walk their pets in the shared area and if yes, how is the area to be kept clean, is often decided by the association members. If an apartment owner needs to make some structural changes inside or outside of their apartment, they need to obtain clearance from the association. Cleaning, fogging, upgrading amenities, repair work, taking care of plants and trees within the boundary, paying the maintenance staff, organizing functions and other public ceremonies (for example Diwali Mela or Independence Day Celebrations), allocated parking spaces, all fall under the ambit of the association.

Why do people agree to the diktats of an association? When different groups of residents contest elections to become the designated association, they present their agenda to the residents. By electing that particular group by default the residents agree that they will also abide by the rules of the association.

To validate the powers of an association and to be able to take care of society on behalf of its residents (some associations handle massive amounts of cash), the apartment association must be registered.

Why must an apartment association be registered?

In theory, an apartment association is a voluntary organization. It is responsible for maintaining the premises and the interests of the residents. It also enforces societal regulations. In case there is a legal problem with the construction of the complex, the association takes it up.

The apartment association also handles funds collected from the residents. It is a monthly fee and is often termed as “maintenance charge”. All the expenses are meted out from this fund including the maintenance staff, security, facilities, and cultural activity.

For accountability, transparency, and to represent the interests of the larger community, the apartment association must be formed under the Societies Registration Act – 1960 and Apartment Association Act. When the association is registered it can act as an arbitrator for resolutions on behalf of the community living in the complex or the building. The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission says that only registered apartment associations can take up causes if there is a construction dispute.

A registered association can take suitable action against residents who violate the rules of society. If one of the residents is indulging in commercial activities that disturb the peace and harmony of the neighbourhood, the association can act. If there is a late-night party going on and is becoming a nuisance for the neighbourhood, the association can intervene.  In case there is a parking space dispute, the association can act as an intermediary. The association can also charge interest or a penalty in case one of the residents causes damage to the public area or fails to pay the maintenance fee. All these abilities make it mandatory for an apartment association to be registered.

Finding out if your apartment association is registered

You can visit the designated office of your apartment association (it should be located within the housing society or the building complex) and enquire if your association is registered. In most cases, the office should be able to provide you the necessary information.

Every state has its own Registrar of Societies website. You can log onto the appropriate website in your region and enter the name of your society. This should bring up the apartment association registration number. If this information is not available online, you may need to visit the local registrar’s office and find the details of your association.

In most of the cases, the letter of the association has “Registered” printed at the top and unless there is a reason for doubt, this should suffice.


Every apartment association has a proposal letter addressed to the Registrar of Societies, signed by its all-executive committee members, and this letter can be obtained by request. The association has a general body and a managing committee consisting of a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a set number of members. It has a memorandum signed by the members and witnessed by a gazetted officer, a notary public, an oath commissioner, or a magistrate first class with the official stamp and address. These pieces of information are normally sufficient to prove that your apartment association is registered.

Different types of residential properties in India 

A residential property is a piece of land and any building built upon that piece of land primarily for the purpose of living. The building can be owner-occupied or can be used as a tenant accommodation. Such pieces of land and such buildings are constructed in designated residential areas. Are you planning to buy a residential property in India? Then you definitely want to know the different types of residential properties available to you. What type of residential property you decide to buy depends on your family size, your living preference, and your budget.

Different Types of Residential Property

Listed below are different types of residential properties people normally prefer in India. 

  1. Apartment or flat 

Such residential units are available in multistoried buildings mostly in larger cities and crowded towns. The number of apartments in a building depends on how many floors the building has. Usually, there are multiple buildings within a boundary wall. 

All the apartments in the building are more or less of the same design. The building has all the basic amenities such as a grocery store, a playing area for kids, a gym, a temple, a parking facility and a maintenance team. There is usually a monthly fee for using all the amenities. 

Pros and cons 

Apartment buildings have thriving communities. Being gated communities, they are much safer compared to freehold residential properties. All the necessary amenities are within reach and affordable. There is round-the-clock security. Depending on how efficient the Residential Welfare Association (RWA) is, the surroundings are well taken care of. An apartment is cheaper compared to other forms of residential properties and obtaining a loan is comparatively easier. 

You cannot make many structural changes. Within your apartment you can do your own woodwork and some other basic alterations but if you want to build an additional room or if you want to design your own balcony, or may involve getting approval from the RWA. 

  1. Single-family home 

This is also often called a freehold residential property. It is called so because it is “free from hold” of any entity besides the owner. 

The house is built on a single lot. There are no shared walls. The house may have one or two floors with the main living area on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the first or the second floor. There may also be an attic. Whether there is a terrace or not depends on the design of the roof. You can build the house on your own or with the help of a contractor. 

Pros and cons 

There is greater flexibility in how you want to design the house. It is completely up to you how many rooms you want (within the constraints of the available land and the number of allowable floors) and how big or small those rooms can be. There is greater privacy. There are no common walls. You can build more floors as your family grows (depending upon the bylaws). 

You’re completely responsible for the upkeep of your residential properties. Basic amenities may not be within reach. The RWA may be non-existent or even if it is there, it performs nominal duties such as the upkeep of the neighbourhood park, the road or the security. It is expensive compared to an apartment. 

  1. Condominium 

A condominium is like a house within a building. There are multiple houses within a single building. Unlike an apartment, residential properties in a condominium may have multiple floors and one residential property may be differently designed from the other. You may have a common wall with your neighbours. There is often a homeowners’ association that takes care of the entire building. Amenities like a swimming pool, recreational area, parking lot and power backup may be common. 

Pros and cons 

You don’t need to worry about the upkeep of the residential properties as there is an association that handles all the repair and maintenance work.  You must pay a monthly or yearly fee for all the facilities available to your family. Amenities like a gymnasium or a swimming pool become affordable because the cost is borne by multiple families. 

There isn’t much remodelling that you can do. In most of the cases, you live in your residential properties the way it has already been built. There is less privacy as all your neighbours can see when you go out and come in. Neighbours can complain if they feel you are creating too much noise or if you maintain odd hours. Many residents also go through parking problems. 

  1. Bungalow 

A bungalow is a single storied residential property. It can even be a cabin. A bungalow may have just a single, large room, or multiple rooms. One distinguishing factor between a freehold residential house and a bungalow is that a bungalow does not have multiple stories. It just has a ground floor establishment, and all the rooms and other components of the house are on the same ground floor. These can even include villas and row houses.  

Pros and cons 

Since a bungalow has a simpler layout, it is easier to maintain. A bungalow may have lots of open space around it giving your privacy and also providing a healthier environment.  

In terms of cons, a bungalow may not be as secure as an apartment in a multi-storeyed building or even a condominium. The security level in a bungalow is usually lesser than in a society complex, making it accessible to someone trying to break in. Also, you are solely responsible for the upkeep.  

  1. Multi-family home 

Multiple families come together to pitch in and build such a residential property. Such a house can have multiple floors, or it can be a row of houses. Every unit belongs to the individual family. Every unit in a multi-family home may have a separate entry and exit, or a common entrance if there is a common area. How the multi-family home is designed can be decided by the consensus of all the families pitching in. 

Pros and cons 

Multi-family homes are ideal for joint families where different siblings can have their separate units. Even a single family can purchase a multi-family home and then rent out the remaining units. The sense of safety is greater because multiple families are living close by. The cost for many amenities and facilities can be shared by the family living in such a real estate property

There is less privacy. Once the multi-family home is constructed, it is difficult to carry out changes without an overall consensus. It may sometimes be difficult to find renters considering the landlord lives in the vicinity. If you want to sell your individual unit it may be difficult to find a buyer who will be eager to live with the remaining residents. 


How individual residential properties in India are designed can vary from place to place. Sometimes you may have the features of a freehold house in a condominium or sometimes you may get the safety of a multistoried building from a multi-home construction. 

When you’re trying to settle for residential property for your family, take multiple factors into consideration because every type of residential property has its own pros and cons. Preferably, create a list of what you want and what you don’t want out of your residential property and then make your decision.  
